Saturday, April 21, 2012

Unni and his grandmother.........

You meet the most interesting people by sheer chance. We had gone to a small village near Palakad for a wedding. It was really really hot and the car left in the sun was an oven! All of us sat on the porch of a nearby home waiting for the car to cool down a little - the home was Unni's. He was a little vary of us initially but prodded on by his grandmother, he warmed up a little and even gave his ball to Ally (my daughter) to play with.  We sat there and talked while Ally entertained everyone around. Thankfully she did very sweetly give the ball back to Unni when it was time for us to leave.
It amazes me how easily they welcomed us, total strangers, into their homes. Wonder if I would be so kind if someone just decides to park themselves on my porch.....something to ponder over.....